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Magento 2 SMS Notification supports in interacting with customers directly and quickly via SMS.

This module allows the store admin to send notification text messages to customers to notify them about the activities on Magento stores. The customers can receive instant notification about their order, invoice, delivery process, credit memo, and also other different activities.

With our Magento 2 SMS Integration, you can be a smart businessperson and drive your brand forward.

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Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension


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Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension


Magento 2 SMS Notification supports in interacting with customers directly and quickly via SMS.

This module allows the store admin to send notification text messages to customers to notify them about the activities on Magento stores. The customers can receive instant notification about their order, invoice, delivery process, credit memo, and also other different activities.

With our Magento 2 SMS Integration, you can be a smart businessperson and drive your brand forward.

Explore Other Best Magento 2 Extensions

Community Edition: 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x

Enterprise Edition: 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x



SMS Notification for Magento 2

Speed is what matters in e-Commerce nowadays and most of the time, the quicker speed you can provide your customers, the more satisfy they will become. SMS is one such tool that is able to help you deliver in-time service and instant support that your customer need. Email notification to keep customers updated and interact with your store is a good way, but it still have some disadvantages such as the open rate is low and the emails are very likely to be sent to spam box. Therefore, SMS notification is especially essential to online business, and without it, you risk losing loyal customers due to slow speed of customer support and real-time engagement between the stores and the customers.

magento 2 sms notification extension solution

Magento 2 SMS Notification is a perfect and comprehensive choice that is able to solve all problems mentioned above and support you in providing short, quick and effective notifications to your customers. By using our Magento 2 SMS extension, your customers can get instant and quick updates on the situation of your Magento stores. Information such as order, shipment, credit memo creations, etc are delivered through SMS, and admin can also keep an eye on possible errors that can happen.

successful sites powered by magento 2 sms notification

Benefits Of Using Magento 2 SMS Notification For Online Stores

magento 2 sms notification mobile optimize

[NEW] Register & Login With Mobile Number

This feature by Magento 2 SMS Notification extension is an outstanding features that you should pay attention to. In case the users can’t seem to remember their registered email address or their password to log in to their customer account, they can make use of their mobile phone number instead. This features, apart from making the process of logging in easier and more convenient, it also helps to increase your store’s mobile registration significantly. The security of the process is also guaranteed through the use of mobile number and secured OTP.
Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension Register & Login With Mobile Number

Easily Integrate Various SMS Service API

Magento 2 SMS Notification Integrated Variant SMS Services API

API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is one brilliant way that can be used to connect with SMS’s Core Messaging Platform. Our Magento 2 SMS Notification are integrated with various SMS Service API, which basically means that the Magento store owners can just choose whichever SMS service they like at SMS Configuration and that’s all for the work. This can happen because there are many SMS service provider company support their product io integrate with extension via API such as Bulk SMS, Twilio, etc. With the list of diverse SMS services in our Magento 2 SMS Integration, you can save time, effort and cost reducing the complication of the process and trying to customize.

In case your desired SMS service is not listed in our Magento 2 SMS Notification, you can still contact us to integrate the SMS service into your system. The rate is $20/hour.

Instantly Verify Customer Mobile Number (OTP)

OTP stands for One-time Password, and it’s also known as one-time PIN. OTP is a kind of password that can be used for only one login session or transaction on a computer or any other smart devices.

If you want to check whether the number that the customer provide is correct or not, customer’s mobile number verification is a necessary and indispensable task. This feature can make the customers to minimize the typo errors as well as to encourage them to believe that they won’t miss any valuable message from your store. OTP can be seen in customers registration, configuration and checkout page easily and clearly, and it is one brilliant way to support your Magento online business.

Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension Verify Customer Mobile Number OTP

Specify OTP string type and Length per message

Magento 2 SMS Notification Specify OTP string type & Length per message

When you agree to use our Magento 2 SMS Notification, you have complete control over OTP verification process of your store. In particular, you can perform these functions:

  • Enable OTP Verification
  • Enable verify mobile number at registration Form
  • Set OTP Format
  • OTP Length
  • OTP Message
  • Set expiration time for OTP code
  • Set period time that allows customer to resend OTP

Powerful Mobile Input Settings

Our Magento 2 SMS Notification also comes with powerful mobile Input settings that will help Magento store owner to set mobile input painlessly and easily without any difficulty. In particularly, this features will allow automatic detection of customer IP address to allow customers to insert their mobile quickly without having to use their mobile country code.

There are 4 total options for mobile input that you can choose from:

  • Initial country
  • Allowed country
  • Specific country
  • Preferred country
magento 2 sms notification extension Mobile Input Settings

Possible to Config SMS Notification to Admin

With Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension- Possible to Config SMS Notification to Admin

Magento 2 store admins are able to take complete control over the entire SMS Notification system as well as to configure SMS Notification. Activities on Magento 2 stores such as new customers registration, order, shipping, invoice, credit memo (which can also be sent to customers) are under their hand as they wish. Furthermore, updates on their own store and error detecting can also be performed thanks to this features to solve problem instantly and effectively. The Magento 2 store owners can receive SMS notification to their digital devices in 3 situation below:

  • When a customer registers an account
  • When an order is placed in each of the event
  • When the customers subscribe to newsletter at Contact Us

Ease to Config SMS Notification to Customers

Mobile commerce is becoming more and more common and an increasing number of people are turning to use their smartphone to make online purchase. As a result, receiving updates on order status through mobile phone is attracting positive feedbacks from the customers. This Magento 2 SMS Notification assists the Magento store owners to send notification about the store’s activity to the customers right after they have successfully registered a customer account. Particularly, customer can receive notification when:

  • A new order is placed
  • New invoice is created
  • New shipment is created
  • New Credit Memo is created
Magento 2 SMS Notification easily Configure to Customers

Effectively Test SMS Functionality

Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension Test SMS Functionality

Error is something that is not expected by any online store and it would be the best if errors can be minimize. Aware of that fact, our Magento 2 SMS Notification are equipped with test function to help Magento store owners to check as well as test their SMS with their own mobile phone number. With this quick and convenient checking, Magento store owner can ensure the correct display of SMS on mobile and simplify their working habit. As a result, they decrease the error rate and improve the professionalism for their store.

Manage the SMS log for Admin

With our Magento 2 SMS Integration, Magento 2 store admin can manage their SMS log easily and painlessly. All information such as ID, subject, time of creating, status and all SMS notification activities can be seen clearly in the SMS Log page for easier management. In particularly, the Magento 2 store admin can check any notification they want without having to navigate out of their current page. Moreover, if you want to check whether the SMS notification was sent to the correct customers in the correct time or not, you can make use of the admin table. This table is used to track the SMS Log, check the errors and fix it with SMS Debug.
Magento 2 SMS Notification Manage SMS log for Admin

Instantly SMS Notification Preview Checking

Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension Check Preview

If the test function is one way to check whether the notification appears on admin phone number, the preview function is one different method to check the content of the notification on the admin panel. You can also make use of of preview to take the first look at content interface as well as to view the message.

One advantage of preview is that Magento store owners are able to check the SMS Notification without any requirement for coding or CSS message. Through using this Magento 2 SMS extension, the store admin can detect mistake and make possible change to fix it if possible before sending anything to the customers.

Export SMS to CSV Support

If you are looking for a smart tools that can help you to advance and improve your Magento 2 store in this era of cutting-edge technology development, out Magento 2 SMS Notification will be the perfect choice. With this brilliant tool, you can directly export all of your SMS Notification to CSV without having to spend an enormous amount of time manually copying an enormous number of notifications. Much of your time and effort can be saved with this amazing tool.

Magento 2 SMS Notification Export SMS to CSV

Ease to Control SMS with SMS Debug

Magento 2 SMS Notification Control SMS with SMS Debug

Magento 2 SMS Notification comes with SMS Debug that will helps you to detect the problem that happens to your SMS Notification system. Since detecting errors is always easier than fixing ones, with our Magento 2 SMS extension, you can save time wandering around undestined trying to find the errors and even cost for fixing the problem. The SMS Debug is extremely accurate, therefore, you can rest assured knowing that controlling issues and fixing errors will be smoothened.

Avoid Spam SMS Effectively with SMS Blacklist

Similarly to spam emails, spam SMS messages are annoying to get rid of and are harmful to any online business. However, by agreeing to choose our Magento 2 SMS Notification, Magento 2 store owners can easily solve this problem. Technically all you have to do is to put the mobile phone number that keeps sending spam SMS to your blacklist if you feel that the situation is getting out of hand. Once such number is on the blacklist, it will never be accepted as a registered number for an customer account and will not be able to receive any notification.

You can also delete the number from your blacklist, it’s likely that you would receive spam SMS again.

Magento 2 SMS Notification Avoid Spam with SMS Blacklist

Magnificiently Blacklist Management

Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension Blacklist Management
On Magento 2 SMS Notification, all of the numbers that are in blacklist are managed in an overview grid. When a phone number is listed on this blacklist, the owner of that number will not be able to receive any SMS Notification about the status and situation of the website. Thanks to this Magento 2 SMS Integration, Magento 2 store admin can save the running cost effectively and actively engage with the customers.

Multiple languages - RTL supports

Multiple languages - RTL supports: The Magento 2 SMS notification by our brilliant Magento 2 Multiple Table Rate Shipping can be of extremely importance to stores that want to go international. Since it supports the languages that are very commonly-used such as English, French, German, etc as well as languages that have the RTL (Right To Left) order such as Hebrew, Persian, Arabic, etc, Magento 2 Table Rate Shipping is the perfect choice wherever you are.
Magento 2 SMS Notification Multiple languages RTL supports

100% open source

Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension 100% open source
This Magento 2 SMS integration is 100% open source and only license part is encoded by ioncube. Thanks to it, you can improve many factors and elements for your Magento 2 store including Affordability, Flexibility, Sustainability, Security, Reliability, and most importantly Speed. All of these in combination will be able to help you achieve great success and reap off ample benefits.

Full Magento 2 SMS Notification Extension Features


  • Enable/disable SMS Notification for store
  • Get notification when a new customers registered an account
  • Get notification when an order is placed
  • Get notification when customers submit newsletter at contact us
  • View all SMS Log with status
  • View Customers Mobile on Customer Information Page, Customers Detail Page
  • Setup & Integrate Various SMS API gateway
  • Set admin mobile number for each website.
  • Add/manage Blacklist, Debug SMS
  • Export SMS To CSV
  • Preview SMS Notification
  • Test SMS Functionality

OTP Verification Config

  • Enable/Disable Function for customer mobile verification
  • Enable/Disable customer mobile verification function in customer registration
  • Set OTP format.
  • Set OTP length.
  • Set OTP message template.
  • Set expiration time for OTP code.
  • Powerful Mobile Input Settings

SMS Notification Config

  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to admin when registered new account
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to admin when placed new order
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to admin when contact us notification
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to customer when registers a new account
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to customer when places an order
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to customer when order status is changed
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to customer when new invoice is created
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to customer when new shipment is created
  • Enable/Disable sending SMS to customer when new credit memo is created.
  • Set SMS template for all messages
  • Set SMS template for each store view
  • Unlimited Customization


  • Receives notification SMS when register new account
  • Receives notification SMS when place an order
  • Receives notification SMS when order status is changed
  • Receives notification SMS when invoice is created for an order
  • Receives notification SMS when a shipment is created
  • Receives notification SMS when a credit memo is created
  • Add mobile number on registration page
  • Get OTP to verify mobile number on registration page

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Amazing After-sales Support and Tutorials

"Everything starts with the customer"

Coming with us, you will get the most enjoyable customer experiences. Our dedicated support team always here to help if you have any issues.

Landofcoder Magento 2 Extension Support
*If you want to buy other licenses, please contact us via LIVE CHAT or email: [email protected]

Single License

$ 99
  • 01 Domain usage
  • 12 Months Support


+$ 79
  • 02 Domain usage
  • 12 Months Support


+$ 249
  • 04 Domain usage
  • 12 Months Support

Agency License

+ $ 999
Version 1.0.4 - September 5, 2020
  • Upgrade database table add new column verified for customer phone table
  • Support REST Api send otp, verify otp, customer update phone number, get customer phone
Mobile OTP login - Version 1.0.1 - September 5, 2020
  • Fix bugs
  • Refactor coding standard
  • Support login with mobile phone and OTP
  • Support login with mobile phone and password
  • Support REST API login mobile phone and OTP
Video Guides
Custom Request

Module code is completely open that means anyone can customize the code as per his / her need , as the developer of the module we also provide customisation and development of the module please contact us for module customisation

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