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In cases, the seller needs to cancel or reject the order, then how can the customer and admin be notified? We have the solution right below.

Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Cancel Order allows sellers to cancel the order, notify the admin and customer when the order is canceled.


  • allow the seller to cancel his pending order
  • send a notification email to the admin
  • send a notification email to the seller
  • send a notification email to the customer

Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Cancel Order Notification


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Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Cancel Order Notification

Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Cancel Order Notification

Included in Magento 2 Marketplace Extension


In cases, the seller needs to cancel or reject the order, then how can the customer and admin be notified? We have the solution right below.

Magento 2 Marketplace Seller Cancel Order allows sellers to cancel the order, notify the admin and customer when the order is canceled.


  • allow the seller to cancel his pending order
  • send a notification email to the admin
  • send a notification email to the seller
  • send a notification email to the customer

Community Edition: 2.4.x

Enterprise Edition: 2.4.x



Magento 2 extension support
Magento 2 extension from landofcoder
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"Everything starts with the customer"

Coming with us, you will get the most enjoyable customer experiences. Our dedicated support team always here to help if you have any issues.

landofcoder magento extension support
Version 1.0.0 - October 15, 2021
  • First Release
Custom Request

Module code is completely open that means anyone can customize the code as per his / her need , as the developer of the module we also provide customisation and development of the module please contact us for module customisation

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